Sunday, July 7, 2013

Home home on the range....The Blue Bird

We have been so pleased with our home here in Tulsa. As I have mentioned before, our landlords Jim and Annie live in the house next door and also own the house on the other side of ours. They acquired the homes from aging neighbors and have loved the properties back to life. They find their tenants by word of mouth and only rent to short term tenants. Each space is decorated in a particular theme, fully furnished, and have been restored to their craftsmen era glory.

Our side is called The Bluebird. We live on the left, the drive way side. The other side of the house is pretty close to a mirror image but it is decorated in a mid century modern theme.

 We have one bedroom...
 We got this cute themed comforter when we got here to commemorate out journey.  CJ insisted on getting a bed skirt the first day we got here(so he could hide his armory under the bed, don't worry friends he has not been domesticated) and I couldn't pass up this perfect print!

 One Bathroom...
The bathroom also sports a bathtub!!! and a cute blue bird shower curtain.

 A kitchen....

 I took the pictures from a whole bunch of angles to make it look bigger, did it work? CJ and I literally cannot be working on separate projects in there, its like zone defense, one mans the fridge and stove the other the sink and washing machine.
Please notice our extra counter space, aka the washing machine. I am thankful for in home laundry, but someday my dream home will not include a "cute little" kitchen....the kitchen will be  BIG! =)

 A dining room/office that also doubled nicely as a spare bedroom when my mom came to see us...
Look at all that open space...I condensed all the furniture to one side of the room so I could just bask in the opulence of open unused space, perhaps a good location for dust bunny angels?
This room also has a huge closet off of it perfect for storing all of our extra things we packed to furnish our next apartment in Florida.

 A living room...
Check out the couch, the one we left in Michigan was this funny shape as well, a little slice of home.

 A from porch....
We love it out here! We have our dinner outside most nights and just enjoy the breeze and curious lack of mosquitoes! I also love to lay in my hammock and read.

 and a back porch....
The back porch is so cute, it has just enough room for our dryer and the drying rack. This is our main entry since we get to park in the garage.

Here is the garage, it is too small for Rosie only her front fits in, but the Beetle fits perfectly beside our neighbors mini cooper. CJ is off hiking this week and he left me with the behemoth to drive around town, I can only imagine the amount of laughing our neighbors do while I pull out of the garage hop out to fold the mirrors back out and try to back that thing down the driveway.


  We have a cute little back yard...

and a side yard with a pretty tree and a  little tent that we brought to store our bikes in.
 Annie does a great job of keeping the yards looking beautiful with flower beds and an herb and  vegetable garden.
We feel settled in and comfortable, missing you all at home. Hope you enjoyed the tour!


Adrian and CJ

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